Friday, November 22, 2013

Constitution High School Election

Today was a special day for Constitution High School, the school that I do my fieldwork at. It's the 50th anniversary of JFK being shot and we had a very special tribute to him. On top of the tribute we had the first stage of our schools student government elections. A few people were running for president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. Each student was allowed to create a 3 minute speech along with a minute or two campaign video. The students that weren't running for office had spent all week creating signs and helping in the preparation for the school-wide debates that took place today. It was a heck of a presentation by all the candidates and the student body that was watching all seemed thoroughly entertained throughout the whole day. We were lucky enough to have a shortened day schedule and then each class commuted to the Drexel (hmmm) campus for the debate. Surprisingly all the students showed up on time and were on the edge of their seats ready to hear what each candidate had to say. We had an imposter president acting and actually sounding just like the real Obama! It was a great show. This Tuesday we plan on having our school-wide elections to see who will run the student government for the rest of this year. I have never been a part of a school that's been so invested into everything they do. I was shocked to see the amount of enthusiasm and effort put forth to make today go as smoothly as it did. Our principal surprised us all by signing off on a student produced bill that allows all Freshman...yeah, FRESHMAN to go out to lunch. This is the most progressive and forward thinking school I have ever been a part of. It's still fascinating to me to see what can get done when High Schoolers come together in order to fight for a common cause. Props to you Constitution High!!

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