Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Teacher Education Program On-Campus Visit

After working as a member of AmeriCorps I realized I wanted to be involved in urban education. I searched for programs throughout the nation and the combination of a top-tier staff/student body, length of the program (10 months), and promotion of social justice for all I decided I wanted to be a part of UPenn's Teacher Education Program. It's a certification program that works for pre-college ages.

Whether you want to teach pre-kindergarteners or 12th graders, our Teacher Education Program (TEP) can get you on track to certification. 

Through a commitment to social justice and urban education, TEP prepares prospective teachers to transform students and schools. You can read more about the program on their extensive website:

Read through the website and want to learn more in-person?

Join the Urban Teacher Education program for an on-campus information session on Saturday, December 7 from 10am-noon ET. RSVP here
(Please note only the Teacher Education program will be represented and discussed at this event.)

I highly suggest the coming to campus for this visit. It's the selling point for nearly all of my cohort that attended. Not only do they provide valuable information about the Penn campus and program, but you also get a chance to mosey around the city and see if "the feel" of the city is good for you! Hopefully you're able to attend and I'll see you there! Take care for now.

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